United States of America GINI index was 37.8 % in 2018, up by 0.00% from the previous year. Gini index measures the extent to which the distribution of income or consumption expenditure among individuals or households within an economy deviates from a perfectly equal distribution. A Lorenz curve plots the cumulative percentages of total income received against the cumulative number of


Nigeria’s NG: Gini Coefficient (GINI Index): World Bank Estimate data was reported at 43.000 % in Dec 2009. This records an increase from the previous number of 40.100 % for Dec 2003. Nigeria’s NG: Gini Coefficient (GINI Index): World Bank Estimate data is updated yearly, averaging 43.000 % from Dec 1985 to 2009, with 5 observations. The data reached an all-time high of 51.900 % in 1996

De fleste øvrige OECD-lande … 2006-01-10 2015-03-13 United Nations Development Programme. Human Development Reports. Home; HDR 2020; Data Center; Country Profiles; Blog; News; Download Data 181 economic data series with tag: Gini. FRED: Download, graph, and track economic data. Gini Coefficient.

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Herunder regner vi i decimaltal, altså ikke i %. Husk at 100% = 1. Sammenlign alene Ulighed - Gini koefficienten Oplysningerne er fra 2012. Andre år: 2012 2005 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1987 1986 1984 This statistic shows the Gini coefficient in China 2007-2017. In 2017, China reached a Gini coefficient of 46.7 (0.467) points. The Gini coefficient (or Gini index) is a statistical measure that 2018-10-05 · English: The Gini index is the Gini coefficient (from the italian Corrado Gini) expressed as a percentage, and is equal to the Gini coefficient multiplied by 100.

Figur 1. Indkomstforskelle for markedsindkomst målt ved Gini-koefficienten i OECD-lande (2014) Ginikoefficient [dʒi:ʹni-] (efter den italienske samhällsvetaren och statistikern Corrado Gini, 1884–1965), (11 av 15 ord) Vill du få tillgång till hela artikeln?

Danmarks GINI-Koefficient ligger omkring de andre skandinaviske lande, hvis samfund minder meget om det danske. Lande med liberale modeller, ligger i toppen med omkring 50, det kan fx være et land som USA.

6, Germany. 28.3. 7, New Zealand ..

The Gini coefficient is based on the comparison of cumulative proportions of the population against cumulative proportions of income they receive, and it ranges between 0 in the case of perfect equality and 1 in the case of perfect inequality.

Jo mere ulige fordelingen er, jo større vil Gini-koefficienten være. Koefficientens maksimale størrelse er 1, som angiver den situation, hvor én person tjener hele indkomsten i økonomien. Gini-koefficienten er således et samlet Gini-koefficienten i de skandinaviske lande ligger på omkring 0,27, mens den i USA er omkring 0,39 i henhold til OECD’s tal (2016). De fleste øvrige OECD-lande har Gini-koefficienter, som placerer sig imellem disse værdier. Lists of Gini coefficient by country as calculated by the World Bank and by the World Income Inequality Database, UNU-WIDER UN University, World Institute for Development Economics Research, for the period 1960 to 2011.

Liknande i koncept som inkomst Gini-koefficient, möjlighet Gini-koefficient mäter ojämlikhet i möjligheter.
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A Lorenz curve plots the cumulative percentages of total income received against the cumulative number of 2020-01-07 2015-09-16 2018-12-12 How the Gini Coefficient and Lorenz Curves are used to measure income inequality. målt ved Gini-koefficienten er relativt små i blandt andet de nordiske lande.

skjevere inntektsfordeling. Då är Gini-koefficienten 0 (dvs ojämlikheten obefintlig). Om den rikaste hundradelen av befolkningen hade haft all inkomst i landet skulle den understa linjen, den som kryper längs den vågräta axeln visa den kumulativa frekvensen.
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Income Inequality (Gini Index). Insights. Minneapolis consistently outperformed most of the MSAs. Miami remained at the bottom of the chart in terms of 

som att USA har nästan tre gånger så mycket mental sjukdom som Tyskland eller att Enligt FN:s Human Development rapport har Japan en Gini-koefficient på. återvinningsindexet är konstruerat så att mer återvinning innebär lägre index. Ginikoefficienten ofta med 100, vilket gör att Sverige ligger på ungefär 25 och USA på 37.