acclamation meaning in bengali হর্ষধ্বনি, প্রশংসাবাদ | acclamation শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ হর্ষধ্বনি, 


An acclamation is a “shout or salute of enthusiastic approval.” For example, By acclamation I would like to introduce the next President of the United States.

Acclimation is a period of time when you are getting acclimated or used to something. Acclamation is a loud, enthusiastic approval of something, typically to welcome or honor someone. To make shit up. Of all the places I could have put it here, behind the bowl that was already blocking you, was the most acclamationable place!

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acclamation. noun. enthusiastic approval. Synonyms: acclaim, eclat, plaudit, plaudits. Examples Discounts for lawyers and law firms. Save time and money for you and your clients with our unique knowledge base.

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An acclamation is a “shout or salute of enthusiastic approval.” For example, By acclamation I would like to introduce the next President of the United States.

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Note: In Strict Sense, Homonyms have same spelling, same pronunciation, and different meaning. Acclamation -- loud and enthusiastic welcome 2.

Acclamation- Meaning: Acclamation meaning . 60. Example: as the Prince has just arrived I would like the crowd to welcome him with much Acclamation. 61.